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Virtual Event Series – Ruth Eglash

Virtual Event Series – Ruth Eglash

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October 6, 2020
12:00 pm
1:00 pm




Remote Event


The Economic Club of Las Vegas welcomed Ruth Eglash of the Washington Post, where she discussed the recent events in the Middle East and the normalization of relations between Israel and several Arab nations. Ruth Eglash has worked as a correspondent for The Washington Post in Israel and the West Bank since 2013. During that time, she has intensely covered the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israel’s election process and a wide range of other topics. Originally from Britain, Ruth previously worked as a senior editor and reporter for The Jerusalem Post. Her main beat social welfare issues such as the immigration of Jews from Ethiopia, poverty and women’s rights in Israel. She was appointed the newspaper’s first Social Media Editor in 2012. Ruth has also freelanced for numerous international websites, newspapers and magazines, including the Huffington Post, USA Today, Hadassah Magazine and the Christian Science Monitor.

You can link to our talk with her by clicking here or watching below.