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Virtual Event Series – What To Watch On Election Night

Virtual Event Series – What To Watch On Election Night

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October 6, 2020
12:00 pm
1:00 pm




Remote Event


We welcomed Kenneth Miller and David B. Cohen where they share their insights about key races and contested election as we learned “What to Watch for on Election Night”. Kenneth Miller is principally interested in political parties and campaign finance. He investigates how the sources of funds affect the content of campaign messages, the behavior of legislators, and the balance of power within party networks. He is also interested the downstream effects of political communication, studying how images used in campaign advertisements affect perception of candidates’ positions, and how the presentation of news affects how individuals choose which stories to read. His work has been published in The Journal of Politics, Politics and Religion, Social Science Quarterly, and The Forum.

Dr. David B. Cohen, teaches courses on the American presidency, Congress, and homeland security. He is co-author of Buckeye Battleground: Ohio, Campaigns, and Elections in the Twenty-First Century 2011) and is currently co-authoring a manuscript to be published by University Press of Kansas titled The President’s Chief of Staff: Evolution of a White House Institution. He has published numerous scholarly articles on the American presidency as well as in the area of homeland security. Professor Cohen’s primary areas of research specialization are the American presidency, Congress, campaigns/elections, and homeland security.

Dr. David B. Cohen, University of Ohio, Akron and Ken Miller, University of Nevada, Las Vegas